
The Parharia

Parharomana called, let the romanes come,
I’ve dissolved the snow and I have brought verdancy.

With this song the parharomana (mother of the Parhari – the summer field) declared the beginning of the summer season and invited the parharetes to the parhari, which is the field where they would spend the summer. After their arrival in Greece, the Greeks of Pontus, overcoming the initial difficulties and adapting to the new conditions of life in their new homeland, tried to restore in their everyday life the customs they had in Pontus.
So parharia started to appear in Greece in mountainous places near livestock farming communities. It was a matter of the survival of the institution because of real needs. The herding families from Pontus simply continued a practice that was beneficial to their household economy by moving their herds during the summer period to locations with favorable conditions for their breeding. The parharia retained their original character and did not initially differ in any way from those of Pontus. Each year the Parharia are organised by the Evxinos Club of Florina in a different place.

SOURCE: http://neaflorina.blogspot.com/2011/06/2011.html

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