
Fire the so-called “Giugiunate”

When Lint was approaching, all the children of the village would collect enough wood (actually steal it from the courtyards of the houses) according to the custom in order to light a fire. After the church vespers were over, the children and parents would go home to prepare the table. On this day the table had special significance for all family members , because it was a day of forgiveness. It was not only those who had harmed someone who asked for forgiveness and wished in this way to soothe their souls. After embracing forgiveness among the family, children would repent to their grandfather and then to their parents, grandparents used to give money for repentance. Then the whole family would go to the godfather for forgiveness and blessing, at the same time the godmother would set the table for everyone to eat together, surely the table had pita, bakalao and brustula (twisted – turned pies). The big fire was lit at midnight in the village square and everyone drank, danced and sang together until the morning.

SOURCE: Bachelor Thesis “Polypotamos and Drosopigi of Florina during the period of occupation and the Resistance” Strempeni Theodora- September 2017

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