
Folklore Collection of Florina Culture Club

The Florina Culture Club was founded in 1980 and is housed in the neoclassical listed building of the former hotel “International”, which is an architectural jewel for the city of Florina. Since then until today its presence is continuous and decisive in the cultural events of Florina.
The Folklore Collection of the Florina Culture Club is a remarkable and important collection with a museum concept in the collection of material and provides the visitor with the opportunity to approach the local folk tradition. The collection was formed through on-site missions of the members of the Florina Culture Club to villages in the region of Florina.
This collection is one of the most complete collections of the Florina Network, which was created with much effort and time by this club. Particularly in the field of beekeeping and candle making, it has a wide range of objects that can be treated as complete thematic units, highlighting two sectors of the Florina economy of the past. It is worth noting that the beekeeping collection was integrated and exploited by the Ministry of Politics’ educational programme ‘Melina’, which was carried out in schools on a nationwide basis, starting in the 1994-1995 school year.
At the same time, the photographic archive of the Florina Culture Club is one of the most remarkable archives of the interwar period, depicting people in their everyday life, dressed in the traditional costume of their village or the city of Florina. (Papakiriakou, 2015)

TEXT SOURCE: Folklore – Tradition Network of Florina.
SOURCE OF PHOTOS: 1-8 Folklore – Tradition Network of Florina.
9 Archive of the Municipality of Florina

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