
Cycling in Florina

The area of the Municipality of Florina is surrounded by three large mountains, the terms Varnountas, Vernon, Voras and between them the plain of Pelagonia.
For those who love cycling, the area of Florina is an ideal destination for lovers of this sport, due to the variety of routes it offers.
Cycling in Florina is found in three main forms:
α) Amateur cycling, which is expressed through rides in the urban fabric and on routes to the villages of the region, without any particular degree of difficulty.
b) Mountain biking, where the particular morphology of the terrain makes it an important destination for this sport, since the area has amazing routes with varying degrees of difficulty, offering unique thrills, wonderful views and experiences, and
c) In competitive cycling and the races that accompany it, the most widespread being the races that take place every year in the area of Drosopigi (drosopigi race).
Cycling tourism in Florina offers the visitor a different experience, since he can spend more time in nature to discover the landscapes and the richness of the region, thus getting to know a different side of Florina.
Wander around the city, the plain, the mountains and the alleys of the villages and discover their hidden beauties.

TEXT: Christos Tegos

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