
Flampouro (Negovan or Negovan)

At a distance of 14 km. is the village of Flampouro in the Municipality of Florina, founded in the location of Agios Georgios by a group of Northern Epirotes in 1825, persecuted by the Turks.
It is situated at an altitude of 780 m and its inhabitants are mainly engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry and construction work.
The natural environment is rich and attractive. A 4,5 km long river runs through the area.
Above the settlement towards Nymphaeum, there is an abandoned Byzantine castle (1500).
Flampouro is a stop for excursions to the green forest of Vitsi .Rural roads lead to Nymphaio Ydrousa, Drosopigi and Xyno Water.
On August 15, after the doxology, there is a popular feast in the village square with dance groups and on the feast of Zoodochos Pigi there is a church service. The village also celebrates Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
The stone-built Primary School of Flambouros has been declared a listed building because of its architecture and was built by donations from Flambourians.
There are the churches of the Assumption (1861), Zoodochos Pigi (1900), St. George (1910), Ascension (1930) and St. Kosmas (1975).
The church of the Dormition was built in 1861, burnt down by the Turks (1903) and renovated with the personal work of the villagers. The bell tower is built with stone hewn from the surrounding mountains and has a copper roof. The icon of the Deposition of 1867, which was saved from the arson of the church and restored in 2003, is remarkable.

TEXT SOURCE: Tourist Guide of the Florina Prefecture (TGPF) -2003
SOURCES OF PHOTOS: 1 – 3 Archive of the Municipality of Florina
4 – 8 Christos Tegos

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