
The Canons of Florina

After the German Occupation, the Civil War followed. From the beginning of 1946, the rebels took to the mountains forming armed groups, and on 28 October 1946 they founded the Democratic Army of Greece (DAG), which was the army of the communist forces, as opposed to the government army, which was the National Army. The region of Florina, with its high mountains, played a leading role in this war, which some called the Gang War, others called the Guerrilla War, and was eventually called the Civil War.
Vigla is a natural lookout, from which the hills and the city of Florina, as well as part of the plain, can be clearly seen. In Vigla and Pissoderi the rebels set up their mountain artillery and pounded the army positions at night.
On 12 February 1949, after the Battle of Florence, the defeated guerrillas held their positions in Vigla. But after their defeat, and as it seemed that they were losing the war, the guerrillas fired shells incessantly, wanting to run out of ammunition and withdraw.
On 14 August 1949, the war was over for the city of Florina. The cannon fire was over.
These two cannons belong to the history of our city. They are relics, and not pieces of scrap metal.

TEXT: Dimitris Mekasis
SOURCE: florinapast.mysch.gr/ta-kanonia-tis-viglas-pisoderiou-stin-plateia-tis/

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